Tutor News and Support

Mini-Manual: Tutor Reporting System

Report your Hours

When you log in, you’ll normally ignore the menu and scroll down to Report your Hours.

  • Select one client at a time.
  • Click in the blank area of Date to bring up the date picker.
  • Both the hours and minutes fields are mandatory.
  • Click No Show if you’ve suffered a no show or very late cancellation and note that we will not pay more than one hour in such a circumstance, even if a two hour session had been scheduled
  • Write any comments in the Comment area. The comments are not seen by the parent.
  • If you are required to complete a monthly report for your client, provide information in the Summary column. Anything you enter in Summary will appear on the report.
  • Enter up to 6 sessions then Report Hours. You should get a Thank You message and an option to report more hours. If you do not see a Thank you message, there’s a problem. Please try again or contact us.

Look up your hours

This menu option lets you see all hours in a given date range. If you need to edit the hours you’ll choose the Review and Edit Hours option.

Submit a Monthly Report

We will tell you if you need to submit a monthly report for your clients. This is mainly a requirement in Orlando, where much of our business is referred by social service agencies. Please submit your report by the third of each month for the previous month. You may click Review Or Edit Your Monthly Reports if you need to change something. Note that once we approve the report, you can no longer change it.

Review and Edit Hours for this Pay Period

Use this option to correct any inaccuracies in hours you’ve reported for this pay period, i.e. before we’ve paid you. You can also use this screen to review how many hours you’ve tutored any client and how many hours remain of the number authorized. This is of especial value to Orlando tutors where social service agencies authorize specific numbers of hours.

For obvious reasons, we do not let you change hours once we’ve paid you and, probably, billed the parents. If you find errors in previous pay periods, please email us and we will make manual adjustments.

Print Lesson Record Sheet

This is a new feature that lets you print a record sheet with your name and the client’s pre-populated. Again to the benefit mainly of Orlando tutors where social service agencies authorize specific numbers of hours, the record sheet will show how many hours are authorized. If you’ve already used some of the hours, they will also show up on the time sheet. No-shows do not count towards the number of hours authorized, as we cannot bill no shows.

Please always get a lesson sheet signed, it is so important in resolving billing disputes.

Improving Client Feedback

Another enhancement to our reporting system improves our collection of client feedback. Every time you report hours on our site, an email is generated that goes to the client. This allows the client to check the accuracy of your report before their bill arrives and also lets them provide immediate feedback if they want. In other words, the email invites them to click a link and provide online feedback. If they want you to see what they write they can click a box saying the information can be shared with you. Otherwise their comments remain private.

Questions or Comments? Let us know!

2 comments on Mini-Manual: Tutor Reporting System

  1. Since all my clients are foster care at this time and the parents do not receive a bill, does the email go to the Foundation as client instead of parent?

    1. Good question. The email showing the hours you’ve reported will either not be sent at all, in the case of group homes, or will go to the caregiver, even though they may not be responsible for the bill.

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